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One positive of 2020 is it has accelerated the pace of digital transformation, 随着企业采用数字化解决方案,为未来十年的复苏和更新做好准备.


目前数字化加速的状态将对私人银行业产生永久性的影响, 哈桑·拉夫说, 存 Executive Director, Head of Business Development, 亚太地区, who recently held a one-on-one exclusive with Patrick Dreyfuss, Chief Operating Officer for DBS Wealth Management, to gather his insights.

劳夫:随着私人银行重新思考未来以及2021年的重点主题, how critical is the need to embrace digital agility to sustain growth?

更有: As is the case with many other industries, the shift to digitalization in wealth management is not new. With the need to comply with evolving regulatory requirements, 控制实践已经触发了影响关系经理效率的新流程, and how they manage the client experience. 在大多数私人银行面临提高业务盈利能力的挑战之际,这种情况一直在发生, 长期面临私人客户之间激烈的客户和人才竞争, and in an environment of reduction of transactional fees.

流程数字化和自动化帮助私人银行应对了这些挑战——提高了效率,加快了交付速度, consistent and fit-for-purpose, higher quality service. 它还促进了新的和更有效的数字渠道的开放,以确保每一次客户互动都更简单、更方便. 现在,银行可以根据客户的经历,利用支持大数据和机器学习的技术,提供更加个性化和相关的服务,以处理大型复杂的数据集, and data analytics to uncover insights and hidden patterns.

Looking back on the bright side of 2020, 全球大流行是变革的催化剂,不仅加快了数字化转型的步伐, but also pushing digital adoption. 这是, 当然, good news as it enables clients to address a timely need during lockdowns, 同时,我们也注意到,采用我们数字解决方案的客户的参与度越来越高.

劳夫:随着富有的投资者越来越多地利用数字工具来满足他们的财富管理需求, 您能否分享星展银行的数字化转型之旅,以支持这一客户群?

更有: 多年来,全面实现数字化,将客户体验置于我们企业努力的最前沿,一直是我们近期到长期战略的一部分. As a digital-first organization, 灌输正确的数字思维贯穿于我们的组织文化和实践——从建立生态系统伙伴关系, 通过重新定义如何利用数据优化业务运营,实现端到端报价处理和交易执行,从而改变我们的审计和信用流程.

数字化应用本质上要求我们采取全面的、多方面的方法. It included identifying digital skill and talent gaps, 提高我们劳动力的技能和装备,以满足不断变化的数字环境的要求. 我们还介绍了跨职能团队的敏捷和协作方式, re-architected existing information technology (IT) infrastructure, enhancing back-end systems and reduced development time of new applications.

After we have successfully insourced our information technology infrastructure, mostly based on open standards, 我们的数字化转型之旅包括使我们的业务专家具备所需的技术素养,并能流利地使用技术来支持客户的数字化需求. 确保技术专家能够根据业务需求交付计划, 业务和IT都共享一个通用词汇表,以便有效地进行沟通和协作——这就要求我们的IT专家将IT语言翻译成业务语言.

To continue to optimize the client experience in the digital realm, we need to keep developing simple, intuitive and easy-to-use solutions. Aside from performing usability tests with clients, 我们确保要实现的每个更改都是通过360度的客户端镜头和客户端生命周期的不同阶段进行的. 通过数据分析和我们的五星评级系统收集额外的反馈和见解. 我们的客户关系经理的意见也非常宝贵,他们告诉我们什么应该是我们的重点领域.


更有: 星展财富平台使我们的客户能够以数字方式监控和管理他们的投资组合, with direct and permanent access to over 150 banking, wealth management and investment services. Prior to the global pandemic, over 80% of our wealth clients were already registered users of iWealth.

At the height of 2020’s market volatility in March, 每个客户在我们的iWealth平台上的平均登录次数飙升至几乎每个交易日一次. The numbers were even higher for our high net worth client segment. For the period between January and 五月 2020, 通过iWealth平台处理的在线投资交易数量增长了200%.

iWealth亦是一个分享我们首席投资办公室及时和重要的最新资讯和见解的渠道,以帮助我们的客户了解市场情绪和趋势, especially during market stress.


更有: 全球大流行病的经验表明,整个世界能够迅速适应变化. 这场危机提醒所有人的是,必须灵活应变, and to expect the unexpected.

The disruption has also shined the spotlight on digital. 但对企业来说,高度关注与文化相关的话题也至关重要, 并整合新加入者,以保持员工敬业度,并维持促进协作和创新的环境, which is more challenging with less interactions. 最终, we can expect more flexible working and business practices, both for clients and our teams, from which we can hope everyone will benefit.


