

作者:Corinne Lee |阅读4分钟| 2022年3月16日

随着世界变得越来越数字化, firms must take a holistic view of the trends that have the potential to transform business and operating models. 存的哈桑·劳夫报道, 执行董事, 亚太区业务发展主管, recently held a one-on-one discussion with Nomura Asset Management Malaysia’s Rejina Rahim, 外部顾问, to gather her perspectives on navigating the new 帖子-pandemic digital world.

相关:存的Hasan Rauf讨论UMR第6阶段

人力vns6060威尼斯城官网:随着我们进入大流行后时代, are there any changes in investment mindset and the allocation of funds for institutional investing?

RR根据我的观察, the pandemic has managed to bring forth a better understanding of sustainable investing and a more integrated emphasis on Environmental, 社会和治理(ESG)投资, 与以前治理是主要焦点的情况相反, 而环境和社会因素则落后. While market diversification to diffuse risk is an attractive risk reduction strategy to improve earnings, the threat of climate change and the disruption it brings to business plans cannot be ignored.

HR:除了关注esg之外, 是否出现了从全球性和区域性转向地方性的趋势, domestic investment trading due to extreme market volatility in the last two years?

RR:透视马来西亚的投资环境, 人们对多元化的意识越来越强. In the last few years we have seen more investors turning their investment sights toward developed markets largely due to poor returns from local and regional equity markets. 话虽如此, market volatility is no longer viewed as a bad thing as long as the risk can be contained or managed competently. In general, investors are embracing volatility since it's likely to continue in the future.

HR: Do you see the pandemic creating further wealth divides across Asia Pacific markets? 日益扩大的差距对在当地市场运营的跨国公司有何影响?

RR: One of the key concerns of the pandemic is the rising gap in earnings and the resulting domino effect on savings and retirement plans. According to the October 2021 data from the Malaysian Employees Provident Fund, a federal statutory body that manages the compulsory savings plan and retirement plan for private sector workers in Malaysia, savings dropped by approximately 38% among the bottom 40% of the country’s population.

The pandemic has also hurt low-income community in industries such as the supply chain that depend on cheap foreign labor – essentially migrant workers who remain marginalized even during the best of times. 尽管国外劳动力市场吃紧, the migrant community continues to receive low wages owing to high recruitment costs. 而数字化将帮助企业抵消不断上升的成本, 巨大的初始升级费用(或对遗留系统的依赖), 会阻止公司利用新技术带来的好处吗.

通过利用自动化和最新的技术进步, global firms operating in local markets can enjoy more growth as they gain efficiencies in managing cost and potentially edge out firms that still rely on manual processes. Investing in technology can also help level the playing field and serve as a catalyst to bring down costs while improving business and operational efficiencies.

HR: What are the key operational areas that matter most to firms as they navigate trends that are shaping the future of business?

RR: While artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) promise to optimize operations, 提高组织绩效, 降低运营成本, 和更多的, 采用的速度可能因市场细分而异.

A report that I came across highlighted that the buy-side is trailing behind the sell-side in embracing and implementing these leading-edge technologies. 根据报告, a survey of 120 asset managers revealed that 28% had already deployed AI and ML in several core business areas while 44% of 281 sell-side firms surveyed indicated that they had deployed AL and ML in multiple areas.

In light of surging compliance costs due to increasing regulatory requirements, there are many areas that can be automated further in the Asia Pacific region such as Know Your Customer, 反洗钱及基本报告撰写.

HR: What is your outlook of the regional financial services industry in the next five years?

RR展望未来, digital is the way to go and the demand for semi-conductors and related minerals to help spur individual countries’ economies will remain. Given how sensitive markets in Asia Pacific are to global economic conditions, 不断上升的通货膨胀是一个令人担忧的大问题. Central banks in the region will have to exercise close vigilance and respond with appropriate monetary and fiscal tools to minimize economic impact and economic inequality especially in developing markets.

和许多区域市场一样, 包括马来西亚, are highly dependent on small and medium-sized enterprises to contribute to economic growth, the rise of digital banking and other micro solutions will help alleviate some of the issues associated with micro-segmentation.

The popularity of holistic investing has also resulted in more interests in ESG and sustainable investments. 气候变化的影响将在未来几年更加明显. I agree with the observation that the transition risk of going net-zero will be more challenging and costlier for developing markets compared with developed markets. I also envision the glass ceiling is slowly breaking around us with the ascent of more women representation in boardrooms than ever before.

Central to all of these developments is the role technology plays in helping to improve data gathering to make informed decisions, 增加透明度,提高效率.

注:视图, thoughts and opinions expressed are the interviewee’s own and not Nomura Asset Management Malaysia Sdn Bhd.

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