
The cloud provider and industry utility have jointly released a prototype and guidelines for building resilient financial services applications.

Amazon Web 服务 (AWS) and the Depository Trust and 清算 Corp. (存)已经开发并发布了一个技术框架, 一组最佳实践, and a reference implementation for building resilient financial applications. The work comes as part of an ongoing series of resiliency-focused whitepapers that 存 has issued since 2019.

Related: A closer look at designing highly resilient financial services applications

The latest report details how to embed resiliency into applications through the development and consumption of reusable components and capabilities, and enable applications to operationally rotate between datacenter regions and run in each region for an extended period. The 存 and AWS developed two resilient reference applications—for basic settlement and trade matching—with the code available for free on GitHub.

2019年,存发布了白皮书《弹性第一—which laid out the organization’s broad thinking around resiliency and outlined possible disaster scenarios, 包括流行病. 一篇题为 技术弹性的力量—focused on what capabilities are needed by firms to build resiliency into their infrastructures. 这个最新版本提供了应用程序代码, 自动化运行手册, and a monitoring dashboard all for use in the AWS environment.

The consultations—with more to come—are the 存’s attempt to inform the industry on its resiliency approach, 希望它能带来一些好处, 说 Neelesh您正在, 存’s managing director of architecture and enterprise services and chief architect of information technology.

He outlines the guiding principles that underscore the 存’s approach, which are: building auto-correct capabilities during failures; regional availability; multi-regional efficiency; and testing and monitoring.

“The most interesting part of this was the multi-regional aspect. How do you rotate applications across regions and resume processing unimpeded? That’s what we spent a lot of time with AWS on,” Prabhu tells WatersTechnology.

存’s requirements for the disaster recovery mechanism of critical applications include a recovery time objective of fewer than two hours and a recovery point objective of fewer than 30 seconds. This means that if a significant regional availability event impacts the trade matching or settlement applications, 存 must demonstrate to internal and external risk management entities that it can recover service in an alternate region within that time and that messages older than 30 seconds will be processed after failover to the alternate region, 作者在白皮书中写道.

吉姆·范宁, AWS全球vnsr威尼斯城官网登入美国总监, 说 that as an infrastructure provider to financial services firms, clients are asking for prescriptive guidance when it comes to resiliency and high availability. And AWS’ suite of services—this latest reference implementation makes use of tools such as Route 53 Application Recovery Controller, CloudWatch, HealthCheck API, 系统管理器, 和Python SDK (boto3), 在其他方面——可以作为构建模块.

“积木很棒,因为你可以建造任何东西. 如果我把一堆积木扔在地上,然后说, “给我造一所房子,你可以建造1,000幢漂亮的房子. 但对于受监管的客户, 尤其是在vnsr威尼斯城官网登入业, 我们经常听到的是, “告诉我怎样才能建造我的房子,’”范宁说.


The journey to the cloud has been an arduous exercise in increasing risk appetites within financial services. 到2021年底, 电火花加工委员会, 数据管理和分析行业vnsr威尼斯城官网登入, partnered with the Fintech Open Source Foundation (Finos) to develop an open-source suite for accelerating financial cloud compliance, called the Cloud Data Management Capabilities (CDMC) framework.

The work sought to establish a comprehensive set of standard guidelines for financial firms and other industries as they move their data into the cloud, 它还统计了像AWS这样的公司, 谷歌, IBM和微软成为合作伙伴.

In its Q2 earnings this year, Amazon recorded 12% year-on-year revenue growth to $22.10亿美元用于其AWS云计算业务. The business managed to add new customers and workloads despite seeing some users focus on cost-cutting due to geopolitical concerns, 新的制裁, 以及合规负担. 当时, 安迪雅西, 亚马逊的首席执行官, said he was still “very bullish” on the growth of AWS over the next several years.

The sentiment aligns with the growing perception that the major cloud providers—AWS, 谷歌, 微软, 和ibm——正在抢夺金融公司和金融科技公司的玩具. 一些具有系统重要性的金融公司, 比如存, 芝加哥商品交易所, 纳斯达克, 芝加哥期权交易所全球市场, 德意志交易所, 以及澳大利亚证券交易所, 每个人都有自己的专业吗, 与至少一家云提供商达成长期协议.

As Big Tech companies entrench themselves as the infrastructure providers of choice for capital markets firms, 监管机构注意到了这一点, and new rules and regulations are likely to follow as cloud, 现在是生成人工智能, fundamentally change long-held industry workflows and mindsets.

范宁, 对他来说, 说 he doesn’t believe the role of Big Tech firms—cloud service providers and infrastructure providers—has changed.

“I wouldn’t call it an encroachment—I would say it’s about optionality,” he 说.

存的Prabhu对此表示赞同, adding that financial firms have historically had—and retain—a lot of in-house talent, but third-party partners have also always been part of the equation.

“There’s certainly been a change in terms of who we are working with over time, but it is more about how we are putting those services together to deliver value to our customers. 我认为从我们的角度来看, when we can add value to our customers—be it in terms of efficiency, 加速上市, enhanced resiliency—all of that is value accretive to the ecosystem,普拉布说.

本文最初发表于 WatersTechnology 2023年11月20日.

Neelesh您正在 - 存董事总经理 & 首席技术架构师

存常务董事,建筑 & Enterprise 服务 and Chief Architect in Information Technology


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